Financial Aid (Military Activation Policy)
Policy title
Financial Aid (Military Activation Policy)
Financial Aid
Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Approved by
Vice President for Enrollment Management
To inform students of the admission and financial aid process if called to active state or federal military duty* during a term in which he or she is enrolled at Nebraska Wesleyan.
Military Activation Policy
In the event a student is called to active state or federal military duty* during a term in which he or she is enrolled at Nebraska Wesleyan, enrollment and related issues will be handled as follows:
Enrollment and Tuition/Fees
The following options are available to the student for the current term(s) he or she is enrolled:
- Ask for an administrative withdrawal from all courses in which enrolled. A full refund of tuition and mandatory fees will be given.
- Remain enrolled in all courses in order to complete course work off campus by the end of the term. Students must discuss with and receive approval from all instructors to ensure this is possible. Full assessment of tuition and mandatory fees remains in intact.
- Remain enrolled in all courses in order to be assigned Incomplete grades that will be completed within one year from the end of the term. Normally at least 75% of coursework must be completed in order to be eligible for an Incomplete grade. Students must discuss with and receive approval from all instructors for this option. Full assessment of tuition and mandatory fees remains in intact.
- A combination of the above-mentioned options.
If a student submits her or his activation orders or letter from the commander outlining the required military duty, but does not make clear which of the above options he or she is selecting, the Executive Committee may administratively withdraw the student from all courses.
Room and Board
A student leaving his or her Nebraska Wesleyan housing unit due to military activation will not be assessed the fee for breaking the housing contract. The student will be refunded room and board fees on a prorated basis for the time remaining in the semester.
Federal and Institutional Financial Aid
When a Title IV eligible student withdraws because of military activation, Nebraska Wesleyan University will perform the Return of Title IV Funds calculations that are required by the statute and regulations. If necessary, NWU will return funds to one or more of the Title IV programs.
A student being administratively withdrawn due to military activation may have his or her institutional financial aid cancelled and removed from his or her account. The Director of Financial Aid will make appropriate determinations on a case by case basis.
*The student will provide to the Registrar’s Office a copy of her or his activation orders or letter from the commander outlining the required military duty. This policy, with appropriate documentation, also applies to a student who is the spouse or domestic partner of a member of the military who is called to active military service, if the student has a dependent child.
Application Procedures
Students who are accepted for admission by Nebraska Wesleyan University and who qualify through academic performance will receive Wesleyan scholarships and grants without further application.
Students accepted for admission who wish to apply for additional financial assistance from one of the programs administered by Nebraska Wesleyan, the Federal Direct Loan Program, the Federal Grant Programs or Federal Work-Study Program, must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and list Nebraska Wesleyan University, Title IV School Code 002555, as a recipient.
When Nebraska Wesleyan receives the processed FAFSA information, the Director of Scholarships and Financial Aid notifies each student concerning results of his or her application for financial assistance.
Students must reapply each year for need-based financial aid by completing the FAFSA.
Federal Pell Grants
An eligible student may receive a grant up to the maximum award level as determined by the U.S. Congress each year.
NWU Policy for Pell Recipients to Charge Books
Pell Grant recipients with a credit balance will be eligible for assistance from NWU to purchase books and supplies using their NWU account during the first week of classes. To be eligible, students must have received the Pell Grant, must have a Federal Title IV credit balance for the session/semester, and must have met all requirements for an early disbursement. A Federal Title IV credit balance is created when all federal financial aid funds exceed allowable charges (tuition, fees, room and board) for the session/semester. Eligibility will be reviewed each session/semester per student request.
Once a student is determined eligible for the book provision policy by the NWU Business Office, he/she can charge his or her books from the NWU Bookstore up to an amount approved by the Business Office. Eligibility for subsequent terms will be evaluated as each session begins per student request.
If a qualifying Pell Grant recipient does not want a book credit, she/he does not need to submit a receipt to the Business Office for approval.
Nebraska Wesleyan University is authorized by the State of Nebraska to operate educational programs. Approval from the State of Nebraska is maintained by the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education. If a student has a complaint about Nebraska Wesleyan University they may contact:
Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education
140 N. 8th Street, Suite 300
PO Box 95005
Lincoln, NE 68509-5005
Phone: 402-471-2847
Fax: 402-471-2886